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Parent Partnership

Home and school

We aim to work in partnership with parents and encourage all parents to be actively involved in their child’s education.  Parents play an important role in their child’s learning and attitude to school.  We offer a range of opportunities for parents to support their child at school.

These include:

  • Parent/teacher consultations— an opportunity to find out how your child is doing in school.  These take place in the Autumn and Spring terms and optionally in the     Summer term.
  • Annual School Report—these are sent home at the end of the Summer Term and they include details of your child’s  progress along with targets for further learning.
  • School Newsletter—a regular electronic school newsletter is sent out to all parents   including notices of forthcoming events and a summary of events that have taken place.  Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date at school as we use these to communicate with you.
  • Curriculum Meetings these are organised on an ad-hoc basis and linked to different areas of the curriculum.  They aim to give parents information about their child’s learning.
  • Parent Volunteers —we value additional help from volunteers in school.  This can be: one-off events, reading, trips, art and sewing.  If you can spare any time, or have a talent you could share, please let us know!



Friends of  Four Lanes Schools (FFLS) - PTA

Operating primarily as a fund-raising body for the  infant and junior schools, membership is open to all parents of children at both schools.  Money is raised in a variety of ways including fetes, fairs, children’s discos and more.  Funds raised are shared by the schools and used to purchase items to enhance or complement educational opportunities for our children.